It's all change in our household.
Charlotte is on her "gap year" to life! She's in Sydney, Australia working with a family looking after ponies and horses as a groom. She's been there a week now and has the job for six long months! How am I going to manage without her around? Then the plan is to move on to NZ for three months also looking after horses for a family who show jump and hunt. Her aim there is to hunt in NZ. OMG they jump barbed wire I here!
Back on the farm, we've got Jayden arriving any day now, to live and work with us on our farm. He's visiting the UK from NZ where he's used to milking 1800 Holstein cows! Slightly different here with our 120 Ayrshires! So Charlottes bedroom has had a make over to turn it less pink, for Jayden to live in.
Harry is off to Reaseheath College, to study Agriculture on a three year sandwich course. His middle year will be out on a farm, gaining practical experience on someone else's farm. So we need to pack up his stuff and move into halls this Sunday.
So it's all change on Southfields Farm.
Mark and I will stay at home keeping the place going. Cows are milking extremely well as the grass hasn't stopped growing this summer. Currently in a hot period but rain is due over the weekend to freshen everything up.
The In-Laws have finally got away with their caravan to Sunny Honey! (Hunstanton, Norfolk) for TWO months!!! Hope the weather holds.
I'm typing this with freshly painted nail varnish....... I need to get ready in a moment, as I've been invited to an Awards Dinner tonight with DairyCo. I'm going to the Motorcyle Museum in Birmingham as a guest of DairyCo. Unfortunately, Mark's not included! Its evening dress, hence the nail varnish, and I'm going because Adam Hanson is the MC for the evening. All I know is, the guests are all connected to the dairy industry, not just farmer producers, but industry leaders and alike. (Not too sure why I'm invited, but in for a penny, in for a pound as they say). Never one to miss an opportunity I'm off in half and hour. Will update my blog later to let you know how I get on.