After watching the success of Andy Murray last week, I've come out with sympathy pains in my right elbow! Or it could be down to the amount of buckets of milk I'm carrying from the parlour to the baby calves twice a day. Boy, have we had some stonking Herefords? They are twice the size of a newborn Ayrshire and drink SO much milk. The bigger, brighter ones are jumping pens and even jumping out into the barn, but luckily, won't go outside the building as they know its "scary" out there. Last night, two jumped out and were found this morning asleep in between the pens, with their mates. I've got 15 babies and 10 weaners to feed twice a day and its hot so they're all getting water too. More buckets to carry! Think I'm going to rename my tennis elbow, Milkmaids Elbow!
Mother-in-law, has just had a knee replacement. The old one is worn out after 85 years so they've replaced the Housemaids Knee. She's been home a week now and walking very well with the crutches around the house and garden daily. Yesterday, she had the village Doctor visit because it was still very swollen. She sent us to LRI to the DVT clinic to get it check out. So I downed my paint brush and changed to take her. Three hours later, no news but another scan on her leg later in the week. And still got some more painting to do in the stables.
Home alone for three days as both Charlotte and Harry are on holiday with my sister, Susan and her family in Majorca (alright for some - but I've got equally great weather for sunbathing if I had time too). Mark has gone to Devon (another holiday spot) for a dairyman's tour of other dairy farms with other dairy farmers! I'd loved to have gone too but someone's got to stay at home and hold the fort.
Being "Home Alone" (although I've got Beattie the dog 24/7) is great but so much to do. Eleven loads of washing, cleaned the kitchen floor, painted four stables, poo picked the paddock, lunged both horses every day, (not to mention feeding and bedding all my calves)and tomorrow attending a Farmers Meeting (as Marks not here) to discuss suppliers for the farm and do the weekly shop down Tescos for Mum-in-Law and ourselves! However, when I speak to people telling them all my family are away, the reply is "how nice, now you can do whatever you want?" Ha Ha. I wish!
Next job to do, is try and sell my beloved horsebox lorry. It's the sensible thing to do. With Charlotte travelling this winter and Harry away at College, I can't see me hunting as there's so much to do on the farm. So it's got to go after four years of fabulous family filled adventures in it.
Looking at our staffing problem, I have offered to be a host family for an overseas trainee. We've made contact with a NZ 21 year old who is from a 500 cow dairy unit in South Island NZ. As I've got a bedroom spare this winter, I thought this could be the answer. Fingers crossed!
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